
Almost each class / function in the reference section has an example. For the sake of convenience, some examples are shown below to give you a quick understanding how PyHamTools work.

Calculate Shortpath and Longpath Heading between two locators

>>> from pyhamtools.locator import calculate_heading, calculate_heading_longpath
>>> calculate_heading("JN48QM", "QF67bf")

>>> calculate_heading_longpath("JN48QM", "QF67bf")

Calculate Distance between two WGS84 Coordinates

>>> from pyhamtools.locator import calculate_distance, latlong_to_locator
>>> locator1 = latlong_to_locator(48.52, 9.375)
>>> locator2 = latlong_to_locator(-32.77, 152.125)
>>> distance = calculate_distance(locator1, locator2)
>>> print("%.1fkm" % distance)

Calculate Sunrise and Sunset for JN48QM on the 1. January 2015

>>> from pyhamtools.locator import calculate_sunrise_sunset
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> my_locator = "JN48QM"
>>> my_date = datetime(year=2015, month=1, day=1)
>>> data = calculate_sunrise_sunset(my_locator, my_date)
>>> print "Sunrise: " + data['sunrise'].strftime("%H:%MZ") + ", Sunset: " + data['sunset'].strftime("%H:%MZ")
Sunrise: 07:14Z, Sunset: 16:15Z

Decode a Callsign and get Country name, ADIF ID, Latitude & Longitude

In this example we will use AD1C’s Country-files.com database to perform the lookup.

First we need to instantiate a LookupLib object for Country-files.com database. The latest database will be downloaded automatically.

>>> from pyhamtools import LookupLib, Callinfo
>>> my_lookuplib = LookupLib(lookuptype="countryfile")

Next, a Callinfo object needs to be instantiated. The lookuplib object will be injected on construction.

>>> cic = Callinfo(my_lookuplib)

Now we can query the information conveniently through our Callinfo object:

>>> cic.get_all("DH1TW")
    'country': 'Fed. Rep. of Germany',
    'adif': 230,
    'continent': 'EU',
    'latitude': 51.0,
    'longitude': 10.0,
    'cqz': 14,
    'ituz': 28